Qualified Medical Evalutor ("QME") Services
Would you like to become a QME?
Performing QME evaluations is a beneficial and interesting addition to your practice. This needed service is both rewarding to the community and has well defined financial benefits.
A QME is a qualified physician certified by the Division of Workers' Compensation - Medical Unit, to examine injured workers to evaluate disability and write medical-legal reports. The reports are used to determine an injured worker's eligibility for workers' compensation benefits. A QME evaluates injured workers whenever there's a question about their benefits or proposed treatment plan.
PSB has an affiliated management service that will get you organized to take and pass the test, and has the infrastructure to manage the entire process, teach and coach you through report writing, and will manage and grow this opportunity for you. QME is non-treating and other than when face-to-face evaluations are required, the rest of the process can be performed wherever you need to be.

If You're Already a QME >>
Already a QME? Perfect! PSB can help you to streamline the process, increase your volume, and/or redefine your approach. Many physicians eventually look at transitioning their treating practice to more QME, IME, and/or AME type work, mainly due to the flexability it offers and the additional income opportunity. The more offices you have, the more panels will be received. PSB's affiliate has an efficient system that keeps you in control of your work product while the process becomes streamlined and efficient. QME's are selected by a Panel process. An IME is an independent medical evaluation that is used to resolve questions about your medical condition for purposes of a workers' comp claim. The parties agree to choose you. If you have an attorney, you and your claims administrator might agree on a doctor to resolve medical disputes. This doctor is called an agreed medical evaluator (AME). An AME or a panel QME will be used to resolve medical disputes in your workers' compensation case.
Why Become a
Medical doctors, doctors of osteopathy, doctors of chiropractic, dentists, optometrists, podiatrists, psychologists and acupuncturists are all eligible to become a Qualified Medical Evaluator ("QME"). QME's serve a crucial role in the workers’ comp system, providing Medical-Legal services to help resolve disputes between injured workers and employers. When such disputes arise, the DWC may assign a panel of three QMEs, one of which will be agreed upon by the parties to conduct the necessary Medical-Legal evaluations, and if necessary offers testimony. There appears to be a shortage of competent QME's and while the majority of work to be performed is managed at the convenience of the evaluator, the face-to-face interaction time is comparatively minimal, can sometimes be virtual over a Zoom type call, and the fee schedule is for services rendered is and/or can be substancial. Let's discuss this futher!